Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar

Is Your Glass Half Full?
Is your glass half full? Or is it half empty? What does that even mean? Well, it means how do you see the world. Do you see the world with beauty and understanding or do you see the world with lack and limitations?
The great thing is that even if you do see the world through lack and limitation, you can change it!
Once you understand that you see the life around you only through your perception, your beliefs, your understanding, your tolerance, your judgment, your being, then you know that you can change the way your world looks!
So, is your glass half full?
It starts with understanding the Law of Attraction. This law says that whatever you focus your attention and energy upon, you will attract more of the same, whether it is wanted or unwanted. When you talk about all the things you don't like in your life, you are drawing negative energy to it.
When you talk of how long line at the grocery store bugging you, you are more bothered by it and you start to notice long lines at the bank, Wal-Mart, the middle school to pick up your son.
Every time you talk about what you don't want, you are attracting it to you because you are focusing your attention and energy on it!
Talk About What You Want
When you speak of what you like, what you desire, what you feel passionate about, you are focusing on what you want and attracting the alignment of like energy.
Remember: Like attracts like.
With your glass half full, you are focused on great things.
It's so easy to talk of all the things we don't like, who is on our nerves, negative news.
Listen to the conversations at the bank, mostly it is of who has died, who's dying, poor economy, what's wrong with the world. I know at my bank, CNN is on all over the bank!
I stopped watching the news over 20 years ago because I always felt horrible when watching it. I have friends that say, "How will you know when there is a disaster?" Oh, don't worry, people will tell you. Half empty glass people love to share what's wrong in the world!
Find the glass half full people and surround yourself with them!
Be willing to turn off the negative news and fill your glass with positives! There are great movies, CD's, DVD's that will give you a great feeling!
Yes, then we know through attraction, we are attracting good things to us!
Here's a few of my favorite personal development books.
The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. I love the 7 decisions for success. I continue to reread them after finding this book years ago. This book is my all time favorite!
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill I learned so much about the way I think from Think and Grow Rich. It was really the first book I read that gave me the idea that I could create whatever I wanted.
Law of Attractionby Michael J. Losier. This is the simplest book I've ever read on understanding LOA. Great examples in the book.
The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent PealeThe very first personal development book I've ever read. It started me on this incredible journey!
The Traveler's Gift by Andy Andrews. I love the 7 decisions for success. I continue to reread them after finding this book years ago. This book is my all time favorite!
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill I learned so much about the way I think from Think and Grow Rich. It was really the first book I read that gave me the idea that I could create whatever I wanted.
Law of Attractionby Michael J. Losier. This is the simplest book I've ever read on understanding LOA. Great examples in the book.
The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Vincent PealeThe very first personal development book I've ever read. It started me on this incredible journey!
You Create Your Own Reality
That's right. You create your own reality. If you feel that there is abundance all around you, you will notice people are kind, friendly, and it seems always giving things to you....whether it is a coupon, vegetables from their garden, a toy to your child, a cookie at the store.
If you feel that the world is a cruel place, you'll notice people charging you the wrong price at a store, cars cutting you off in traffic, arguments at your favorite breakfast spot.
Start focusing on the good and you will see more of good things.
Focus on negatives and guess what?
You got it...More negatives.
Think about the glass half full! With your glass half full, you notice all the greatness around you.
Think and watch things that inspire you and you will feel inspired.
I love watching great movies! I tend to stay away from war movies, blood and gore and especially scary movies. Not for me! I am a big chicken. I love to watch movies that keep me thinking about my possibilities.
Here are a few of my favorite inspirational movies, click the yellow box below!
Have An Attitude of Gratitude
When you have an attitude of gratitude, you see the life around you with fresh eyes. I learn so much from my 4 year old daughter. She is always teaching me to be thankful for the smallest of things....a deer outside, a run in the sunshine, a hand to hold, a smile from a loved one.
When you live your life in gratitude, watch what happens! It will transform right before your eyes!
Taking Inspired Action
When you are taking inspired action, it is amazing how great things come your way. Move forward with intention in your life.
What do you want to create?
Always thinking with the end result in mind and moving toward your goal.Make your decisions based strictly on moving toward your goal.
You don't have to know how you will get there, that is not your worry! Just know you can achieve your goal without doubt, fear or worry.
Yes, there will be adversity. Whenever you seek out a goal that you are passionate about there is always stumbling blocks. If there weren't you would already have the goal, right?
Okay, well you've heard the cliche "It's darkest before the dawn." It's true, most people give up right before their goal unfolds.
You know, when things just don't seem to be going anywhere, when things just seem to be spiraling downward, be grateful (yes, gratitude) for this dark stretch because that is when you can see the stars!
The stars will always guide you....possibly to a new area of your life, one that you didn't anticipate. From darkness always comes light. Once again finding your glass half full!
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