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Showing posts from September, 2017

The Keys To Mastering Strategies To Excellence -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar The KEYS TO MASTERING STRATEGIES TO EXCELLENCE For everything Great that has been ever achieved from half a billion dollars in a day to climbing Mount Everest to the birth of a child, It all comes down to Strategy. Mastering Strategies is the secret to success, and it’s the fastest way to compress decades into Days. Anyone can do it but you have to understand the strategy before you can use it to go from where you want to be… The 4 KEYS TO MASTERING STRATEGIES: 1 .  When you know your own strategy you can duplicate anything great you have ever done before, If you can put yourself into state at will, if you can trigger yourself to be…….  CREATIVE , DECISIVE and DISCIPLINED What could you accomplish? 2 .  Once you’ve mastered this take it to the Streets!! You can help people find the triggers that will bring LOVE, JOY, CREATIVITY and RESOURCEFULLNESS into their lives, With the FLIP of switch you can turn some...

Tips To Start A Great Day -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Tips To Start A Great Day -AA Try out the following tips: - Prepare your outfit, makeup, lunch and gym bag the night before. Doing all this early will make it that much easier to leave home on time. - Sleep and wake up early. This way you will get sufficient sleep and things will be smoother each day. - If you often hit the snooze button in the morning, set the alarm even earlier. This way you get to snooze, but also get to wake up on time. - Drinking water is good, but to instantly wake you up try a large glass of iced water. - Give some time to yourself. Allow 20 minutes of quiet time before your head out. - Go for a short walk before you start working. - If you work out in the mornings, try sleeping in your gym clothes. It will save some time, and motivate you. - Spend five minutes going over your schedule for the day ahead so that you're aware of everything you need to do. - Don’t ...

Do You Know The Fact......???

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Do You Know The Fact........??? ....Do you know what your life purpose is? Why are we here; what are we supposed to accomplish? So many of us do not even ask that question ,we take our lives for granted. we are born. we live what ever life is before us and we die. Kaput! The End.  Are we really just "ashes to ashes and dust to dust" or is there something more we are here to accomplish? Life would seem to have no meaning at all  if there were not things that each of us need to resolve while we are alive. ....The last couple of posts have been extremely difficult for some of us. The depiction of the Muslim woman reading to her daughter from the Koran was very upsetting to some of you and to be honest it was meant to be. This is a time in our lives where the expression "a house divided" is all too true. We are a divided nation, a divided morality. a divided world. We each think that our way is THE way to perceive life an...

Break Down The Barriers - Get Moving

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Break Down The Barriers - Get Moving Get Set Going You live in interesting times! Thanks to the pace and strength of technological progress, the ease with which an individual can start and operate a business has changed incredibly. Basically I'm talking about the Internet and every business today is in one way or another tied to the Internet. For instance doing business today without an online presence is pretty much unheard of. How will customers find you if you’re not online in some (even minor) form? You can be  pretty sure they won't be looking for you in the phone book much these days. Most of  those books are lying in a corner, on a shelf gathering dust or being used to prop up someone's PC monitor. And that is usually where phone books stay unopened until they find their way eventually to the paper recycling bin. Read More... The good news is getting online is no ...

Branding Yourself - First Step To Get Started......!!!

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Branding Yourself – First Step To Get Started…..!!! Read More.... It is extremely important that each and every one of us "Brand" ourselves in order to become successful! In Branding yourself, there are things that you should do, and things you should Absolutely NOT do! We all want to get our opportunities in front of people! Whether it be our own site, or someone else's product or service, Business opportunity, or being in affiliate marketing. What some of us fail to realize is, that when you promote someone else's product, or business opportunity, even our own, we are associating ourselves with it! Let's say for example, you paid into a business opportunity, but failed to do thorough research on it, and people have gotten scammed by it, but you need to promote that business in order to make money. I say chuck it up as a loss, because it will only come back to bite you in the... Read More..... ...