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Is Your Glass Half Full? -AA

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Real Success : Principles Of Performance -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Real Success : Principles Of Performance Much of success is about performance. It’s about what we do and what we are able to inspire others to do. There are some simple performance principles I have learned in my life, and I want to share them with you. They really bring success, and what it takes to be successful, into sharp focus. They are also the basis for developing and maintaining an expectation of success. The Five Principles of Performance: 1. We generally get from ourselves and others what we expect.  It is a huge fact that you will either live up or down to your own expectations. If you expect to lose, you will. If you expect to be average, you will be average. If you expect to feel bad, you probably will. If you expect to feel great, nothing will slow you down. And what is true for you is true for others. Your expectations for others will become what they deliver and achieve. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to...

Risk Taking: The Courage to Try -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Risk Taking: The Courage to Try Have you ever held back on something because it was too risky? I think we all have at one time or another. The word "risk" usually indicates that we have something to lose, and many of us shy away from that. We don't want to lose. Then there are those people who seem to revel in the thrill of risking it all. Skydiving, mountain climbing, bungee jumping - they fear nothing. I've always regarded people like that with a kind of silent awe. How did they get to be so brave? Not that I have any desire to do those things, I don't. But I have wondered what makes them so courageous in taking risks, while others sit back and tremble, afraid to take a chance on the smallest of things. I've discovered that it's a matter of perception. The risk-takers are looking at what they stand to gain, rather than what they stand to lose. They live for that adrenaline rush of excitement. They know ...

Motivation concepts - introduction -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Motivation concepts - introduction Are you living the life you really want to live? Do you know exactly what the kind of life you would want to live is? Do you realize that you have the power to create your life? More likely than not, your answer to the first question is “no” and to the second question your answer is “yes”. I would challenge you however and say that it is more probable that you are not living the life you want and that, in actual fact, you have only a vague idea what kind of life you really want. In 97% of cases I would be right because it has been shown time and again that only 3% of any given population will excel in any given circumstances. Part of the reason for this is that only a handful of people actually take the time to plan and create their ideal life. Motivation concepts - the error of our ways It often strikes me as strange how many of us are so organized and diligent when it comes to studying at school...

Attitude of Gratitude -AA

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Attitude of Gratitude Do you know the quickest way to change your life today? Have an attitude of gratitude! Gratitude is the conduit to great things. The Law of Attraction says that whatever we focus our attention and energy on, we will attract more of the same whether wanted or unwanted. The energy of gratitude is constantly attracting wonderful things to you. Maybe you have not really thought that much about gratitude. That's okay.....This one small choice, the choice to acknowledge your gratitude everyday in your life will create a wave of beautiful manifestations for you! Yes, it is a small, effortless change, yet it will yield huge results for you. It starts with observing all the great things you have in your life in this present moment. Look around and take note...... .....Because how can you expect great things to come to you if you are not grateful for the things you have in your life right now? If you ...

3 Simple Steps For Newbies To Start In Affiliate Marketing

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar 3 Simple Steps For Newbies To Start In Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing is an arrangement between an online merchant and affiliate, in which the affiliate earns a commission for generating sales, leads and/or clicks for the merchant's web site. Affiliate marketing works in a win-win situation for the merchant and the affiliate. The merchant gains opportunities to advertise his products for free to a larger market which will increase his sales. The more hard-working affiliates he gets, the more sales he can expect. By getting affiliates to market his products and services, he is saving himself time, effort and money in looking for possible markets and customers. When a client clicks on the link in the affiliate website and purchases the product, recommends it to others who look for the same item or buys it again, this way the merchant leverage his chances of earning. On the other hand, the affiliate marketer benefits from each cu...

Top 10 Successful People who have Failed

Learn To Be Successful With Ali Attar Top 10 Successful People who have Failed Failure. That is a word that most people dread.  Everyone wants to be a success.  We want to be liked and admired. But that dreaded “F” word always pops up.  Failure .  This experience is strong enough to make you want to  quit and start a new life . Having an internet business is no different. Success takes time and effort.  Yes, many times you will fail before you are successful.  Ask just about  anybody  who has become successful if they have ever failed at any aspect of their journey.  Chances are you will get quite a few stories of missteps and blunders. The difference between long-term success and failure is the reaction to it. People who, as Charlie Sheen says are “Winners,” overcome the obstacles. Yes, failure happens. Live with it. Learn from it. There is a need to change the view on failure.  It is not s...